Sunday, November 21, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 221 "Ladies First"


I remember Latifah's line like it was yesterday, "Who You Calling A B*itch?!" One of the pioneers of the Women Empowerment Movement, Latifah and other female Hip Hop artists took a stand on the way women were being negatively portrayed in music videos and in rap lyrics in the early 90's. Today, absent of a movement of this magnitude its like we all have forgotten to put our "Ladies First" and how to treat our "First Ladies."

I will be the "First" to admit that I am not as respectful of "Ladies" as I should be. Part of this is because some of these so called, "Ladies" don't seem to have any respect for themselves. Is that any reason for me to treat them disrespectfully? Absolutely not. I make a conscious effort to treat most women with the utmost respect, because my Grandmother, who is the "First Lady" of my life raised me correctly. However, I struggle trying to view a "Lady" as a "Lady" when she walks around half-naked or when she opens up here mouth all kind of curse words constantly fly out. Now those things may be attractive or it may be what you look for in a "Lady," but not the kid.

When I think of a "Lady" I think of a virtuous women who is seen before she is heard, only because her elegance and grace lights up any room she enters, thus leaving the entire audience speechless. She has no reason to say a thing, because her image and presence speaks for her. Truth be told though, I think this is a fantasy in today's society, because "Ladies" in this day and age are taught to be super independent and make their presence known immediately, thus they are more vocal about some things and seem to always be on the defensive. I say some things, because no matter what they do at work or when they are out, they still let De'Quan and them, get away with things, because they are love-drunk. Either way, I think "Ladies" today, don't have enough positive "Lady" role models to understand what it takes to be a true "Lady." What hollywood and the media defines as a "Lady" or sometimes referred to as a "Diva" is not necessarily what it means to be a "Lady."

I have to be honest, I think we are in need of another "Ladies First" Movement. Guys have gotten way out of hand with the way the treat women. But, as I always say, "the level of respect you demonstrate for yourself, will always equate the level of respect you get from other people." Thus, if you dress inappropriately, talk filthy, or use your body to define who you are, don't be surprised when you find out the answer to Latifah's question: "Who You Calling A B*itch," is ---You.

~I Love The Ladies, I Do...

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