Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 209 "Friends"

I am not convinced at all that "Friends" are necessary. The last time I decided to call someone "Friend" or consider a group of individuals my "Friends" was in middle school. I am not so sure what the purpose of "Friends" are anymore. I have heard a number of people talk about their "Friends" and how much they mean to them, a few months or years later, those so called "Friends" betray them or stab them in the back at the first chance possible.

For me personally, I have two categories of people in my life: Family and Associates. I will explain the variations between the two. People who are my associates are just those people I may converse with, work with, share spaces and places with. These are individuals who I have determined are a part of my life for the season and reason they are present, but not necessarily for a lifetime. My relationship with these individuals isn't personal and I am not so concerned personally with the decisions they make unless they negatively affect me. These people I solely associate with, but we don't have any personal interactions whatsoever.

On the flip side there are those people I consider to be Family. Now, when you have made it into my inner circle you are good for life. People I refer to as my family may not be in my bloodline, we may not have share any relatives, or live in the same country, but these people I will ride or die with. These people can have my very last and I will do whatever it takes to make sure they have what they need to be successful in this life til' the extent I can. I love my family, and that is something I don't just throw around often. My family means the world to me and they know it, if not, I am telling your right now.

I am not advocating to you to classify the people in your life the way I do, but I just don't understand the title "Friends." I often think people incorrectly categorize people in their life, and give them the "Friend" title because they don't know what else to call them. What is worse, due to social networks, people who you have known only through virtual interactions or through a request can become one of your "Friends." Do they deserve that title? Probably not. I think "Friends" and "Friendship" in general is overrated and oftentimes fake. It's okay if you don't agree, but I think you all should re-access the way you use the term "Friends." Everybody isn't your "Friend" and if you don't know that, get into a bind, you will find out the hard way.

~Friendless Me & Proud of It

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