Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 210 "Tired"


Your ever realized how "Tired" you are on a daily basis? You ever get "Tired" of fighting? "Tired" of being unappreciated? "Tired" of working to make a difference? If your answer is yes, to all of those, then you and I have something in common. It's like Fanny Lou Hamer said, sometimes you get "Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired." I am "Tired" folks, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. I am "Tired" of pushing people to do right. "Tired" of believing in people who don't believe in themselves. "Tired" of always having to be the bigger person and walk away. "Tired" of being betrayed, mistreated, and abused. I am just plain ole' "Tired."

But I cannot or will not quit, give in, give up, take a break, or rest. Many are "called but only a few answer." I chose to answer my call. I could've ignored it like so many of you, but if not me, then who? If not you, then who? Yes, I am "Tired" but so many people lost their lives, fought countless hours, and worked until they were blue in the face to pave the way for you and I. So no one really cares to hear how "Tired" we are. We have to keep on keeping on. Find ways to re-energize ourselves, because there is still much work to be done and very little time to do it. No matter how "Tired" you are, you must continue to work diligently towards pursuing your goals, dreams and aspirations. Somewhere down the line, the fact that you know how to work even when your "Tired" will all pay off. We can all rest when our destiny has been fulfilled and we journey to our home in the sky and sit at the right hand of our FATHER.

~Yawning mentally as I draft this....

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