Friday, November 12, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 212 "k"


Okay, we have got to stop with the mis-utilization of "k." Perhaps it doesn't annoy you or make you highly frustrated, but I hate it when I send someone a 50 word text and all I get back is "k." "k" yourself! And you know what I means. I'll push you into traffic. Oh, how this bothers me. Worse than that is when I am having a conversation with a dude, which is very rare, and he sends me "k" in response to something I may have said. Kneegro, do some push ups or something! Hear me and hear me well, "NO GROWN MAN SHOULD FROM HENCEFORTH, RESPOND TO ANY TEXT MESSAGES WITH K." The nerve of you guys. It's just not that masculine, to hit your big hommie back with "k." It makes me want to punch you all in your chest-piece.

I may be blowing this out of proportion, but it seriously gets on my last nerve. I hate it! I mean it is horrible when you are having a disagreement with someone thru text and rather than respond to your point or participate in the debate, they send you a "k" as a way of letting you know they received your correspondence. Now, I know you are going to say, "well at least they let you know they go it," screw that! Respond to the kid accordingly. If I take my time to develop my thoughts and express them in an actual full length text, then you do me a solid and return the favor. No its not, "k" for you to be so lazy you can't add one more letter to the word. Its actually "ok" for those of you who don't know it.

I know part of the problem is our heavy reliance on texting. I will talk about that later, but at this very moment I am telling you, if you want to discontinue/end a conversation with me in record time, respond to me with "k." See what happens. I promise you boo boo, it will be the punctuation on that sentence and the ending of that story. Keep your "k" to yourself. Before you for me to "k" you. I don't want it, deserve it, or need it--"k?!"

~I'm over you and your whack short-hand.

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