Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Market


In my spare time I surf the web speaking to various people about different things. Sometimes, I talk to people about the youth of today, my all time favorite topic, music, or at other times I talk to people about The Market. No, I am not talking about the SuperMarket. The Market I am referring to is a Market of single individuals or people who in their mind, think they are single. This Market of people, for some reason, has ever great attribute in the world, but they for some strange reason are still on The Market. These people can't seem to find Mr. or Mrs. Right for anything in the world.

Speaking with individuals about their path to The Market or the reason they are still or back on The Market is amazing. I have learned so much about life, relationships, and this thing called love. What I can share with you all is this, "I believe some people are on The Market simply because they choose to be." I am always baffled to hear the stories of people who just can seem to get off The Market. More specifically, women. As they tell their tales of how they ended up on The Market, I am never surprised. One theme is prevalent in most of these stories---Men, more exclusively Black Men are evil and are the worst species known to man. I will elaborate on this a little further at another time. But for now, lets just say, "The Market is a rest stop for people until they prepare for their next relationship, if there is ever another one in their future.

There isn't anything wrong with being on The Market, if you deserve to be there, or if you are their with the intentions of getting off. But, just saying you are on The Market, when you really aren't, is waste of time and space. I truly believe there is someone from everyone. But I believe even more that some people don't want anyone, just so they can rape our ears continuously with these sad and depressing folk tales of why they can't find someone or happyness. To those type of Market people, here is a secret; we don't care. Just find someone and stop messing up everyone who is happy around you, because you lonely. Get off The Market, before you ruin all the potential suitors for those who really are shopping for that special someone.

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