Sunday, May 22, 2011

No Regrets


Lately, I hear people say this a lot, "If I knew then what I know now, I would've done things a lot differently." While I can understand what they mean, I don't necessarily agree with the statement. I know all of us have endured things in life or made life choices that weren't the best or most popular, but I believe the outcome of those were exactly what was suppose to happen. I believe everything in this life happens for a reason, and no matter what the scenario is, the end result was already pre-Destined and we just did what we did, because we were suppose to. Thus, I believe we should all live life with No Regrets.

No matter what you did, said or experienced in the past, at this point there is nothing you can do about it. You can cry about it, pout about it, sing about it, write about it and/or pray about it, but it still happened and there is nothing you can do about it. There is No reason for you to Regret it at this point. You can't do one measley thing that will change your past, no matter how hard you try. At this point you can only take control of your present, to make sure that your today sets the tone for your many tomorrows. Live your life with No Regrets. Yes, things happened, and yes, you or someone else may have gotten hurt. But wallowing in self pity or crying your eyes out won't help. We are all actors on a stage. This play was written before our time, and we are just the stars of it. You have too much to do during this short time on earth. Stop with all the looking backwards and focus on what's in front of you, before you miss you present day Blessings. No Regrets now, No Regrets forever. What can happen, will happen---Deal With It.


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