Thursday, May 19, 2011

A PushOver


Ok, ok, okay, I get it. I'm too nice. But what do you expect from me? I guess because of my stature or my image, people think I am not suppose to be so easy going. I am what some would call, A PushOver. A PushOver is a person who usually doesn't take a hard stance with others or on issues. Now I will admit that while I am A PushOver, there are certain things the kid will not be PushedOver about---lying, unloyalty, harming children, disrespecting woman, and fussing or cursing at me, just to name a few. However, on most other things, I am A PushOver.

Is it bad that I am A PushOver? Well, if you ask some they would say, "yes." I do know that being A PushOver isn't the best way to be, but there are somethings that just aren't worth fighting for or fighting over. Thus, I refuse to battle it out over things I am not passionate about. This is a bit problematic, because other people tend to be passionate about things I'm really not interested in at all. So, that is where the issue arises. I tend to let those folks have their way. Not because I don't care about them, but I know life is about giving and getting. One must give to receive. I am perfectly fine with being A PushOver and haven't lost one iota of sleep over it. Just know, there is a vast difference between being A PushOver, and one who allows people to Run Over them. I ain't having that under any circumstance; hommie don't play dat'!!!

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