Friday, May 13, 2011

Taking Risks Equals Rewards....


If you want to do something extra-special or extra-ordinary, you have to Take Risks. According to Wikipedia, Risks is defined as: the potential that a chosen action or activity (including the choice of inaction) will lead to a loss (an undesirable outcome). Potential losses themselves are called "Risks". Almost any human endeavor carries some Risk, but some are much more Risky than others. But Taking Risks Equals Rewards---sometimes.

Let me elaborate. If one fails to Take Risks, then one will never know if there are any potential Rewards as a result of Taking those Risks. When most people think of Risks, some of the things that come to mind are stocks, bonds and investing in general. An individual who decides to invest must put their money into a market or other people's hands with hopes that the Risks they take will ultimately make them more money. I haven't gotten into investing on a major level, but I do have a few investments, but nothing major. I guess I need to Take a few more Risks as well.

There are a number of things that includes Risks. Some of us live in very dangerous neighborhoods, work very dangerous jobs, and associate with very dangerous people. Each of us take Risks every day when we step outside, jump in our vehicles, and travel to various destinations via plane, train, or any other other form of transportation. But there a some people who like to live life on the "wild side." They take more serious Risks, like climbing large mountains, skydiving, speed racing, etc. Now I don't advise you to take any of these type of Risks, but know Taking some Risks do Equal some Rewards. You can't play it safe all the time. If you never Take Risks, then you will never unlock your true potential.

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