Sunday, May 15, 2011

Over and Over Again


I was watching the tube the other day and there was a commercial about this guy who was working in the convenience store. The message basically was aimed at demonstrating how much repetitiveness sucks. In lames terms, the goal of of the entire commercial focused on how one should hate doing the same thing Over and Over Again. It took me a few times to watch it before it hit me. While the commercial is pretty lame, the message is very important. Some of us get stuck in these cycles are places of comfort. We get infatuated so much so, that we always do the same thing(s) Over and Over Again. Thus, we never try anything new---ever.

It is very important that all of us attempt to do different things and sample products, places and/or things that we never have before. Even though it is always nice to have a level of comfort or likability with stuff such as your favorite restaurant, church, nightclub, group of friends, etc, you must remember the saying, "variety is the spice of life." Driving the same way to work Over and Over again; going to the same stores in the mall Over and Over Again; and/or dating the same type of people Over and Over Again, just may be your thing. But, if you never expand your horizons and explore/sample/try/experience other things, then you truly don't know what it is you really like. You just know, based on what you have done thus far, what you think you like best. It's okay to stick to those things/people that make you feel good and/or safe, but sometimes you have to step outside the realm of what you always do and do somethings you have never done before.Doing the same Over and Over Again, will only lead to you getting the same result---Over and Over Again. Dare to be different, just once.

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