Sunday, May 1, 2011

Renovating You


Oftentimes in this life, we exert so much energy helping others, that we barely have time to help ourselves. While serving others to me is the cornerstone of life, we all must be reminded that we have to keep ourself serviced as well. Self reflection keeps us all humbled in the services we render for others. It is so much easier to look at other people and pick out their inconsistencies, flaws and/or faults. But we must be vigilant with observing and recognizing our own issues and imperfections as well. Once you can be honest with self and can identify what you must improve upon or change, you may then begin Renovating You.

Renovating You may be a difficult process. Especially if you are unable to be honest with yourself regarding how imperfect you really are. However, I write to tell you that the Renovation process can be one filled with much enjoyment and excitement. Now, I am not encouraging you to self evaluate and Renovate for anyone else. I am asking you to do the afore for you. The only thing constant in this life is change; which means if you aren't constantly/currently Renovating You, then you are on "pause" and the world around you is passing you by. You may look at self and realize that your foundation, walls and ceiling is fine, and that may be true. But, a little self Renovation never hurt anyone. Renovating You, allows you to not only re-define who you are, but also set a standard for how others should interact with you, treat you, appreciate you and most importantly love you.

Renovating You can be tough, but it is well worth it. If you are unsure you have the craftsmanship to do your own Renovations or the ability to identify those things that may need to be Renovated, just grab a pen and jot done where you were yesterday, where you are today, and where you plan to be by tomorrow. In that written plan, you will be able to see where the Renovating You process should begin. Because if you are still dealing with issues of your past, your Renovation needs to begin immediately. The past is just that ---The Past. Leave it there and Renovate Your way to Your Future. You have all the tools you need right in front or around you. Find them and use them. Tear down those walls---Today!!!

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