Monday, July 26, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 103 "Every Little Thing You Do"


Happy Monday My People:

I know you all dread Mondays, but hey we are alive and have to go to work whether we like it or not, so we might as well find some solace in it.

Today's topic: Every Little Thing You Do

You know I am learning that my words are very powerful. I am one of those people who only uses "kid gloves" with children. As it pertains to adults, I tell them exactly what's on my mind, or whatever it is that pops in my head. I usually don't think before I speak, but I embrace what comes out. I am a huge proponent that we should say what we mean and always mean what we say. Lately though, I have been having discussion around this topic of accountability. For those of you who may not have heard of this term, it simply means being held accountable or responsible for your actions. It is because of these discussions that I have come to realize that Every Little Thing You & I Do matters.

No matter how big or small it is, Every Little Thing You Do matters or impacts something or someone, both positively and negatively. It is very difficult sometimes to make decisions for some of us who are extremely compassionate, because we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Others don't care who gets caught in there verbal assault. But as adults we have to be more cognizant of our actions. On a macro level the interactions we have with family members, friends, and/or associates at work will ultimately affect something or someone. On a micro level the very way you treat yourself will define how others treat you. I am not pulling your leg, everything you do, and I do mean, every little thing you do counts.

I encourage you all today, to be a little more careful with the things you say and the things you do. The worst part about some of the things we do, is its always someone who is innocent that usually gets caught in the middle. They have no real part in our situations, but through associations or just by being in the wrong place at the wrong time, they get wounded. This is my advice to all of you. The next time you get ready to let someone have it, or you are fed up with your situation at home, work, or school, just be careful what you say or do. Someone, Somewhere is watching, and EVERY LITTLE THING YOU DO may be life or death, up or down, in or out for that person who views you as he or she that can do no wrong. Its probably your precious children, nieces/nephews, little cousins, siblings, or someone you have no idea that looks up to you. Just take a little time to process, woosah, and then act.

Have a great day!


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