Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 105 "The World Is Round, Isn't It?"


Good Morgan! As always I hope all is well with you and yours and this blog finds you in the best of health and spirits.

Today's Topic: The World Is Round, Isn't It?

I know you must be thinking, why is that today's topic? Well, for starters I wanted you to take a moment to try to answer it. Its a legitimate question: Is the world round? Of course after a few moments of deliberation, the obvious answer is, "I don't know." I have come realize that the only way to seek answers to questions we are unsure about is to go find out for your self. Research and/or self exploration are wonderful ways to seek that which seems to not have a answer.

Is the world round? One wouldn't know if they are confined to the same neighborhood, block, burrough, parish, city, and/or state their entire life. If you never go anywhere, how will you find out what the world has to offer, let alone what shape it is? The question I posed today as a topic is very significant, because some of you all don't know much about the rest of your state, let alone the rest of the world. The only thing you know about the United States is what you were taught in some of your classes, if you decided to go to school on that day.

Unlike others, traditionally, international travel is foreign to our culture. People see going to the capital of their state or the place where the mall is as a vacations. Message: It's not! There is so much one could do with the time you are given on this earth. Traveling opens up the mind to so many fascinating things. There are tons of lakes, mountains, malls, and other wonders in this world to be explored. You need to take some time to visit some cities that you hear about but have no idea what they look like. Is The World Round? I don't know, but you can definitely take your next vacation and try to find out.

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