Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 91 "Its Never To Late"


'Sup Wood Workz:

Today's Topic: It's Never Too Late

I know you may be considering a career change or contemplating diving back into the dating scene, but you have those Debbie Downers who say things like, "you are past your prime; why don't you just accept things the way they are?" Correction, haterz, you are past your prime! Don't let these negative, unmotivated people bring you down. It's never too late to make that move.

There may be an instrument you want to learn to play, a second language you always wanted to speak, or a hobby that you would like to turn into a full-time gig. Go for it! Those around you may not understand you motives, but as long as you know what it is that you want to do and you are willing to put in the time necessary to accomplish it, it's never too late.

You may feel like your mission in life is to take a voyage to a small country and feed the hungry. Or there may be a special destination in mind that you want to visit. There is nothing holding you back. No matter what you do, family, friends, spouses, or those who think you care about what they think will have something to say, but who cares? It's your life and as long as you are being responsible and not hurting anyone, it's never too late to do anything.

I urge you all today to step out on this wonderful thing called FAITH. As long as the good LORD wakes you up daily and breathes life into you, you can do anything. No matter where you are in life, what age, or regardless of your circumstances. It may not be today, tomorrow or even next week, but no matter when it is----IT'S NEVER TOO LATE.

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