Thursday, July 29, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 106 "When Did Being Smart Become The New HIV/AIDS?!"


I am not wasting one second today. I am going in! If you don't like what I have to say today, feel free to click that little "X" located in the top right corner of your screen. And so it begins....

Today's topic: When Did Being Smart Become The New HIV/AIDS?!

I am so disappointed at this point. What is wrong with begin smart? I was reading an article recently where a reporter was talking to Mr. Bust It Baby himself, Plies. Now I should know better than to expect something remotely enlightening from a brother that names himself after a tool, which is actually called pliers, but somehow he came up with plies----ARRGGG, I digress. Anywho, the reporter was asking him about recent comments made by some people who went to school with him who said he couldn't be a goon because actually he is really smart and did well in school. Plies was livid. He vehemently denied the rumors that he was smart as a kid and as an adult----WTF? Man, I instantly became so hot. I could've caused third degree burns to anyone that touched me or was within a 100-mile radius. I just don't get it. When did being smart become the new HIV/AIDS?! You would've thought someone threatened his family, said he was bi-sexual, or was a caucasian man posing as this rap person he is. All they said was the brother was smart.

This is indicative of the problems that we have in the United States today. Everyone wants to be a thug or goon, but no one wants to go to college or shall I say, graduate from college. Because almost everyone goes, they just don't GRADUATE. On that note, let me address something, that I will write about later. For the record: THERE ARE NO THUGS/GOONS IN COLLEGE! Stop with your faking and flossing. There ain't one real Thug/Goon that I know, took time to study and do well on the SAT or the ACT. Thugs/Goons don't know what an isosceles triangle is, let alone term GPA. You fools are tripping! I'll come back to that later. Anyway, like I said this whole idea that being smart means your gay, soft, or less than a man is just dumb and explains why these young brothers are dropping out, going to jail and killing each other at such an alarming rate. If they exemplify any level of intelligence in school they get picked on, so they are forced to "dumb down" themselves just to fit in an avoid the negative stereotypes and classifications. When did being smart become the new HIV/AIDS?!

Maybe, I am overreacting. But we are losing our battle for the youth of today. Your daughter won't have anyone to marry in her race after awhile. Don't even bring up interracial relationships to me, because I will quickly say, love sees no color, just like you when you are shopping. You look for the best bargain and when it comes to your heart, you should find what works for you. (I'll come back to that too) I have to say I am most disturbed. People I need your help. GOD knows we don't have many men, especially black men at home or doing positive things that will help cultivate the minds of these young men. I saw a sign on yesterday, by the 100 Black Men, that stated, "jail stripes or pin stripes." What a powerful message. We are going to continue to lose this battle as long as we allow ignorant connotations like, being smart is not cool, to discourage our youth.

Once again, I ask, standing on the top of my desk, yelling at the top of my lungs:
That's just f'd up. SMGDH!!!!!

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