Friday, July 16, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 93 "Put On A Happy Face"


What it do peepz? I woke up this morning thinking about the many things that are going on around the world. As I began to get ready this morning I was again reminded that while I may not have everything I want, I do have the majority of the things I need. I am glad that I am here, and you should be to.

Today's Topic: Put On A Happy Face

I don't understand why people are so unhappy these days. I am so tired of seeing people frown, scowl, or walk around like their life is over or ending quickly. I just don't get it. Life is too short to be dealing with issues you can't change. I am telling you, all of you, no matter what your circumstances are, you have a reason to be happy or at least grateful. Put on a Happy Face People! It takes a ton of muscles to frown, but not many at all to smile.

Look around you. If you have the bare necessities in this life; that is enough to be appreciative of in itself. Stop expecting more and appreciate what you have. There are so many people who don't have, "a pot to p in or a window to throw it out of." If you have a bed to sleep in, something to eat, or air to breath, you are doing a lot better than some people. Everything could be better, somethings should be different, but they aren't. You have a choice in how you act or react to things around you. Even if you can't think of one reason to smile, put on a happy face, it might make others around you put on a happy face too.


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