Saturday, October 16, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 185 "Grown Little Boys"


So all of my writings are personal to me in some way. But today's blog means a little more the me than some of the rest. I wanted to introduce to some and present to others, "Grown Little Boys." We have an epidemic going on in this country and it is largely being ignored for the most part. Only in extreme cases or during egregious acts of violence do we even talk about it. But, I am trying to be a point of ignition to light a fire around a topic we need to address and address now, "Grown Little Boys."

I for one, am so sick of turning on the news, the tv, the radio, and reading online about another young man or man in general being gunned down or arrested. It's embarrassing, sad, and depressing. These stories are always on the breaking news section of every media outlet, but there are rarely stories surrounding the successes and accomplishments of these type of men. I could easily blame what is going on in our society, regarding these "Grown Little Boys" on rap, their environments, society as a whole, or just the lack of care for them collectively, but I am not. I am going to blame you, me, and them, those "Grown Little Boys."

To take back our role in this nation us Grown Men need to intervene. We cannot sit around and expect women, the media, and other "Grown Little Boys" to do something about this problem if we aren't doing a thing about it. It only takes a few minutes to pull one of theses "Grown Little Boys" to the side and talk to them before they become a statistic. I try not to stereotype anyone, but other then Black & Latino males, no other group of males in this world are dying so fast. It's alarming how many boys, young men, men and other innocent victims have been murdered in places like New Orleans, Chicago, Detroit, and Miami. It seems like no one really cares either. The "Grown Little Boys" are running things and people really fear them. But we must realized that these"Grown Little Boys" lack direction, guidance, attention, and affection, thus they are action out. Regrettably, when they act out, they tend to be prone to violence, which only leads to senseless murders and such.

You may think I am overreacting but these "Grown Little Boys" seriously need a hug and some help. If we don't do something fast, your son and your son's sons are going to end up dead or in jail behind some bull. We are losing our children to the streets, rap music, drugs, alcoholism, and gangs. You probably don't know half the stuff your little brother, son, or nephew is in to. Sex is just one small part of the problem, because if you are getting it in today, you have to have a million partners to "Keep it pimp'n, pimp'n." I am seriously asking you to help me help you and our world. They need positive role models in their life. They need a "Grown Man" somewhere in their life. I know "Grown Men" maybe hard to find, but they need it, so please don't give up looking. They also need love, attention, and to get involved in something that promotes their talents and skills, not always sports either. Sports sometime exploit them, not promote them.

If you know a "Grown Little Boy" or perhaps know of one, please act now. Perhaps you have one sleeping in the next bedroom or downstairs. The time is now. Get involved if you see any signs that may seem drastic, especially in his behavior, attitude, and choice of friends. If you need help call me, well text, you know thats my preference, but either way I am here. If we don't a stand one day one of the "Grown Little Boys" may be standing over our body as we now Rest In Peace because they have taken the life out of us.

~Brutha Listen Up

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