Sunday, October 17, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 186 "Grown Little Girls"


Yes, it is true that I am very concerned with the plight of young men in the country, more specifically, black males. But I am equally concerned about the little princesses who do not understand their self worth, you know those, "Grown Little Girls." You see them everyday, face full of make up, barely able to walk in their heels, and dressed like they desperately need attention. They are looking for something they shall never find. At least not looking like that!

For as long as I have been an adult I have always wanted a daughter. I think there is nothing more pure and innocent then the bond between a father and his daughter. It has been my dream to watch my Little Angel move from the infancy stage, to college when she will be allowed to date, to the chapel when one day I will be blessed with the chance to give her away to one of the luckiest young men in the world. However, as I look around on a daily I realize that these "Grown Little Girls" lack the things I want to give to my daughter. Some of them are fatherless, loveless, and are missing someone in their life, other then a dude, who constantly tells them what their self-worth is, how beautiful they are, and why they should not rush into anything they aren't sure about. These "Grown Little Girls" are living the lives of "Grown Women" and they aren't ready for that.

The bodies of the "Grown Little Girls" is maturing a lot faster then their mind, and guys are preying on them and destroying their future. Every "Grown Little Girl" has a chance to change this world. But those chances decline as they give themselves to fools who don't understand the gift of love and commitment. Unfortunately, many of these "Grown Little Girls" think the way to a man's heart includes them lying on their back and sharing their innocence. That isn't the way, he still gone do what he wants. They would know better if you Grown Women stepped in and start encouraging these "Grown Little Girls" to be just that Little Girls. It bothers me to see these babies dressed scantily clad or just plain slutty for those of you who need it straight up. Its sad because while they believe they are a young Nicki Minaj, some idiot is planning on treating her just like that, a dumb, young, toy, barbie.

I can type all day and frankly discuss these "Grown Little Girls" but I am not so sure it will help because most of you all stopped reading by now. You women are so caddy. You see these things daily and don't say a word. Most of the time because you tend to dress just like your "Grown Little Girl" because you are trying to hold on to your youth which left decades ago. In no way it is flattering for you to be mistaken for your daughters sister because of the way your dress or carry yourself. First off, your attire should be mildly more mature. You have had your time as a teeny bopper, so now you need to work to make sure your "Grown Little Girl" and other "Grown Little Girls" don't make the same mistakes you did.

I am appealing to you Grown Women out there nationwide. Honestly, I need your help. I am not sure who I can ask to assist me in my journey to save our youth. If we don't wrap our arms around these "Grown Little Girls" we may find them wrapped in a sheet with caution tape wrapped around the scene because someone decided her "no" meant "yes" and raped her or murdered her because they thought she was selling something they wanted to own for free. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with looking good and feeling good, but there is a thin line between fashion forward and selling sex. My "Grown Little Girls" out there, realize this: You have a choice to be someone or live in the shadow of someone else. Little Boys and Men aren't going anywhere like broke down buses. Take your time and enjoy being Little, there is no need to hurry. Focus on your schooling and your future, because your mind will take you places your body never could.

~Brutha Big Brutha To You

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