Saturday, October 23, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 192 "You Can't Go In Reverse With Love"


Its been awhile since I opened up to my folks here at WoodWorkz. So today, I am going to share a few personal things with you all. Oftentimes, some of us seem to have answers to most things, but we never discuss things that we struggle with. Today, I am going to put it out there. I personally struggle with this thing called "Love."

Perhaps, you won't hear most boys speak of it, but a real MAN isn't afraid to discuss "Love." It's so powerful and can make a difference in this world just by sharing it with others. But there is one problem, once you give "Love" and share it with someone, regardless if they accept it, appreciate it, or reciprocate it, you can't take it back. In other words, "You Can't Go In Reverse In Love."

Unfortunately, no matter how hard we try to avoid it, "Love" will find us. I decided to choose to walk in "Love" just like the ONE who came before all of us and gave HIS life for all of us. It just seems more comfortable for me to share this free gift with those I encounter. The problem is, I am so vulnerable to the negative aspects that come with it. No matter how I try to give "Love" to others with the best intentions, most of the time the recipients of my "Love," don't know what to do with it. As a result, I ALWAYS get hurt in the end. I can't just take it back once it's out there. No matter what, "You Can't Go In Reverse In Love." I know you all can concur. You too have met someone who seems to be the one you will spend or you want to spend your rest of forever with. They were everything you could imagine in the beginning. I mean, you knew s/he was the one. Thus, you gave them what you thought they deserved, your "Love." But as life would have it, they didn't know what to do with it, couldn't handle it, and ultimately hurt you too. But you were in deep by then. You realized at that point, no matter what you do/did, "You Couldn't Go In Reverse With Your Love."

While I know it's most uncomfy to have to share your "Love" with others, you still have to. I know you would "Love" to just have that one person you can share it with who will give back 10 fold what you give to them. But, that is indeed in a perfect world. In this life you must continue to give "Love" to others with hopes of receiving it back in the manner by which you deserve it. It most likely won't happen until you find that special someone or that special someone finds you, but in the interim just be reminded: No matter how much your will to "Love" pushes you, "You Can't Go In Reverse In Love." Unfortunately, once you put "Love" in Drive you must continue to go forward. Maybe at some point you may see the need to Park it and try to stop your "Love" altogether. Good Luck With That!

~Brutha Love Baffles Me

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