Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 196 "Take A Moment"


With so much is going on in this life, we all are constantly and thoughtlessly moving from one thing to the next. By the time we barely complete one task there is already another task on the horizon. We aimlessly, work, go to class, study, raise children, and participate in a number of other activities. We never slow down and "Take A Moment."

Let me indulge you in my idea regarding you "Taking This Moment." Oftentimes, we are engaged in so much, we never "Take A Moment" to appreciate the things we have or those things we have accomplished. There is so much pressure on use to look like this and talk like that, we don't get to "Take A Moment" to appreciate the smaller yet significant things. I know it's very hard to notice some of the smaller things that are present in your life, but you need to "Take A Moment" and be thankful for everything, namely a sound mind, good health, and the ability to give and receive the greatest gift in the world, Love. I know with the hustle and bustle of daily life we never really have time to ourselves, but I encourage you to find time daily to "Take A Moment" for yourself and to appreciate what great things you have that you normally wouldn't recognize because you are usually always so busy. Perhaps, I am not the best at "Taking A Moment," but we can do this together. Actually lets "Take A Moment" right now.............................

Life is short, but it will be even shorter if you don't learn to "Take" that which you deserve, "A Moment" to yourself to: appreciate, rest, heal, recover, pray, nourish, share, motivate, cultivate, grow, maturate, procreate, reciprocate, and LOVE--even if it when it hurts.

~Brutha Searching For A Moment

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