Thursday, October 28, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 197 "Oh Happy Day"


As you all already know I am sort of a different type dude. I mean I am sliced from a different slab then most cats. I don't aim or try to be different, I just am. Well, one of the things you all know I do is set my own holidays. In that vein, I am asking you all to help me on tomorrow as I establish October 29th as "Happy Day."

I have been noticing that there are more and more people around this world depressed, stressed or could just care less. Most are so sad. Others are contemplating things they would have never thought of before, like quitting or giving up on life and others. I feel compelled to do something. I mean, some of my close associates and family are going through rough and tough times. I can't reach all of them or talk to them as much as I would like to, so I feel I should do something to assist those I love. This is my virtual hug or pep talk to all of you. This is me lending a helping hand to you in your time of need. Thus, I am dedicating tomorrow to all of you, and anyone you know who could use a day absent of negative emotions, connotations, or actions. All join me in celebrating the first annual "Happy Day."

I wish you all health, sanity and unlimited prosperity on this inaugural "Happy Day." Start smiling right now, and making moves to keep all those Debbie and Don Downers out of your area on tomorrow. This is our day to smile til it hurts and laugh til we cry. May this "Happy Day" be the best day for you in 2010 yet, with many more to come.

~Brutha, I Don't Smile, But This Smirks 4 U

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