Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 195 "Is Being Married With A Boo On The Side Now Acceptable?"


So I guess my idea of Marriage and the union between a man and a woman is off center. Perhaps what I think Marriage means is not what it actually translates to be at all. I was under the assumption that once you take another man or woman to be your wife or husband, everyone one else becomes a part of the past. That what I get for ASS-U-MING. The more I go out and about and venture into relationship land I found a new discovery. Some how it has become "Acceptable to Be Married With A Boo On The Side." Who knew? Well I guess everyone but me.

When did this happen and why didn't I get cc'd on that email? Not that any one sin is greater than the other, but adultery is very wrong isn't it? I mean, where they do that at? Everywhere obviously! The sacredness of the groom/bride unit is a thing of the past. Now, one can be someone's wife/husband but someone else's Boo at the same time. I guess I am messed up in the head. I ask, "Is Being Married With A Boo On The Side Now Acceptable?" You mean to tell me that nowadays I can have a wife and a "Boo On The Side" as long as what I do outside the house stays just that, outside the house. That seems like it would rock, except, I have a hard enough time dealing with any ONE woman let alone trying to interact with TWO of them on a full time basis.

I have to be honest and say this is one fade or movement I want be following and strongly discourage you from taking part it. I don't believe in divorce under any circumstances, hence why I probably don't have a wife, but moreover, I don't believe one should sleep around on their better half either after your nuptials. This is a sad phenomenon, and the kids are the only ones who are going to get hurt in the end. I mean if it floats your boat to have a chick or a dude "On The Side" outside of the one you stood in front of a whole congregation of people and pledged your life too, then you go right ahead champ. I'll pass on that one! My wife, if I am Blessed to every have one, will be more than enough woman for me. Or I'll just stay a bachelor for eternity. Some things just aren't right.

~Brutha I Do, Means Even When You're Not Around

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