Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 188 "Distractions"


Today's topic in my mind is really important. No matter what you choose to be in this life you will always have to deal with "Distractions." It's not so much that "Distractions" are always a bad thing, but we have to be careful how we let them influence our decision making and affect our lives. There are different types of "Distractions," some good and some bad. The difference between the two can determine whether you get something done in 20 minutes 20 days, or 20 years.

In all that you do you will always have to deal with "Distractions." Thus, it is of some importance to learn to acknowledge it as what it is, a "Distractions" and then continue doing what you have to get accomplished. Now, I know it sounds way too easy in writing and it is definitely way more difficult in reality, but we have to find a way to move beyond something that is a bump in the road and not a dead end. You can go around a bump, but you have no choice but to stop and re-route yourself when you reach a dead-end.

"Distractions" can derail you, interrupt you, encourage you, and motivate you. But it is up to you to determine how you will let them impact your life. I encourage you all not to shy away from them, but embrace them and maneuver through them by utilizing a skill called, multi-tasking. Whatever you do, don't stop what you are doing completely and revert all your energies to deal with a "Distraction." If that is the case, you allow the "Distraction" to take precedence on your schedule and you may not have booked any time for that type of event. Just be aware of potential "Distractions" and what they can and will do to you or the ones you love. Avoid the negative and embrace the positive and that's all I've got to say about that.

~Brutha Don't Distract Me

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