Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 189 "Blame It On A Black Man"


Public Service Announcement:
We already have enough issues in the Black community and are not in need of any assistance from any other race, creed, or nationality.

Now with that said let me move towards my point for today. Most of you all remember Susan Smith. If not, I will remind you right now. She was the crazy a$$ white lady who woke up, dressed her kids, put them in car seats, drove to a body of water, and got out while the car sunk to the bottom with her children in it. Then she did the most logical thing she could think of at the time, "Blamed It On A Black Man."

Just yesterday, an actress and her friend in Boston, were caught in possession of items stolen out of an apartment in their complex. Do you know what the two ladies did? The did the most logical thing they could think of at the time, "Blamed It On A Black Man." Now, let me give you a little history regarding Boston. On all the episodes of Cops, every movie I can think of from the Departed to Afflack's latest release This Town, I can count on one hand the number of people of color in those films. I don't blame it on them, perhaps this is a reflection of the neighborhoods the stories are set in, or perhaps Hollywood is in a NEGRO/ COLORED Actor recession. They might all be in Tyler Perry Films. Either way, we all know Black people aren't readily available for work or crime in Boston in the masses.

Now, let me tell you how I knew both stories were lies in the beginning. Let's start with Ms. Susan Smith:
1) There ain't a Black Man in this America that is going to steal any car that is more than 3-4 years old, unless its an Old School Chevy Caprise, Impala or Dunk.
2) Ain't no Black Man in America going to steal that same car with caucasian babies in the back seat.
3) Futher, aint no Black Man in America going to steal said car, with babies in back seat, and in order to get rid of the evidence he drives it in a lake. We don't even like water like that!
4) Lastly, aint no Black Man in America going to steal a car, get away with it, and then drive it in the river. Brothers steal with a purpose. That car would've been stolen with a chop shop destination already in mind. It would've been off the streets and repainted, flipped, and back on the streets by the next day and no one would even recognize it.

Now, let me tell you how I knew the young actress, who shall remain nameless and her friend where lying:
1) The two said they saw a Black Man coming out of the apartment with one 32' inch flat screen tv. Now we know that if a Brother going inside to steal something, one item is not the only thing on his list.
2) They said they saw the Black Man leaving with the tv and in a heroic neighborhood watch type fashion, they chased him down, and took the tv back from him and were coming back to return it to its rightful owner. Now, wait a minute. Two white girls, ran down a brother who was a criminal, fought him, and took his stolen possessions back from him, and neither of them had one scratch on them? Boy Stop! White girls won't even walk close to a Black Man in any neighborhood or parking lot in the day time let alone at night. So these two Superwomen/crime fighters went to war with a Black Man over a tv that wasn't even theirs, without calling the cops first? LMAO--Whatever! If it was a white guy, I might've believed it.

Here is my point, if you do the crime do the time. Do like Jaime, blame it on the alcohol. Don't under any circumstances "Blame It On A Black Man." If you do, make sure its something we all can believe. I mean, if you say you saw someone with a 1999 camera on 26's run a red light, that might be a Black Man. Or, if you where at a red light and you looked over into the car next to you and once the person in the car next to you rolled down their window so much smoke came outside it smelled like a Marijuana parade, that might be a Black Man or two for that matter, depending on who put in on the sack. But in any case, don't just let your first reaction be to "Blame It On A Black Man." Like I said earlier, we have enough problems with Black Men in our community, we don't need help from anywhere else. If we do, we will be sure to send a Black Man to ask.

~Brutha or Am I, scared to say?

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