Monday, January 31, 2011

The End of The Road


Are you at The End of the Road? If so, what do you do when you feel like you have reached The End? What do you do when you know you have done all that you can to improve your life, repair your broken family ties, and/or fix your relationship that seems to betting get worse by the day. What do you do when your out of options and you can't continue to go in the same direction you be traveling in? What do you do if you truly believe you are at The End of the Road.

Well, I'm glad you asked. Here is my solutions to all of you who feel like you are at The End of the Road. First off, you need to find out who is responsible for your trip. What that means is, see how you ended up at The End of this Road. Did you take yourself there, or did someone you chose to follow, love, or care for aid you in ending up at The End of This Road? Once you have figured that out, then you need to decide was the journey worth it? What did you learn from the journey and are you willing to take that trip all over again if you have to? Lastly, you need to look left, right, ahead of you and behind you to see if you have really reached The End of The Road. If there is another direction you can go in, then perhaps you haven't reached The End of the Road, you might have reached The End of That Road.

What may seem to be The End may just be your Beginning. Sometimes we have to go through something to really get somewhere. Take a moment and really examine your situation, have you really reached The End of The Road, or are you just tired of traveling in the same direction? The End of The Road just signifies the need to stop for a moment and decide what your new destination should be.

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