Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Present


I told you all a couple of days ago, I plan on keep it all the way real in 2011. I believe that we as a people accept too much from other people, thus our local, national, and international reputation has/is continuing to suffer. But, each of us can ultimately do something positive to try to change the negative perception people have about us. And there is no time like The Present. Stop allowing people to talk to you all kinds of ways, treat you all kinds of ways, or act all kinds of ways in your presence. I don't care if it use to be cool, this is The Present and it ain't cool no more.

Now, I know some of you are going to exclaim, that you could care less about what people think of you, but one person's perception is one person's reality. And as I always say, there is some truth to every lie. While I am not asking you to live your life through the eyes of others, I am asking you to be more aware of the way you are perceived or you may come off to others. Today, is The Present. You no longer have to explain anything to anyone, you don't have to be anything your not, or pretend something didn't happen. Whatever it is, it now was, so in The Present, it doesn't matter. Take control of your life, and remember that what you were is only as relevant as you make it. In The Present who you are now, is all that matters.

~Thank GOD for repentance and forgiveness.

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