Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The State Of The Union


So, how many of you all watched The State Of The Union tonight? Don't worry, I'll wait. It is my opinion that people of color did just enough to help get the first Black President in office, but it has been other people who have helped him stay there. I am not going to spare any emotions and just say it. We all, people of color that is, are failing OUR PRESIDENT. He needs as much support now as he did when we worked to get him into office. It makes no sense that every other race is doing everything they can to build up or tear down OUR PRESIDENT and his administration. What are we doing? Not a da*n thing, but watching the game on b.e.t. NINJAS!!!

We all ought to be ashamed of ourselves. We spend way too much time being selfish and not enough time being selfless. I am only one, but I believe that it only takes one to make a mark on the world. OUR PRESIDENT is trying his best to do what he can with what he has been given. Is he perfect or mistake free? No! But who are we to judge? We sit on our couch and be lazy on weekends, some of you daily, while he has to worry about every single American, foreign and domestic. I don't agree with everything he is doing, but I do know he is doing a trillion times better than his predecessor.

People, we need to get our priorities together. OUR COUNTRY NEED US AND SO DOES OUR PRESIDENT. Tonight's speech was about not The State Of President Obama's Union, but Our Union as well. Stand up and be counted for. The State Of The Union starts with each and every one of us. Ideas are just ideas if you don't do anything with them. Lets get active. The future is now!!!

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