Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's Already In You


Lets be clear, I ain't no preacher, nor would I even disrespect any wo/man of the cloth by acting like I am. But I am a student first and then a teacher. I believe all of us are teachers in some shape, form, or fashion. We go through many trials and tribulations in this life. It's not necessarily what we go through that we must share, but it's the lessons we have learned from going through it, that we must pass on to others. I have come to realize that many of us don't know that the praise, accolades, and acceptance we are seeking isn't going to come as a result of what we tell people we are doing or have done, but as a direct result of the actual work we are doing. Everything you need to reach your true Destiny Is Already In You.

I truly believe that everyone in the world has something they can contribute to society. I know that some people are more talented, athletic, attractive, and privileged than others, but that doesn't mean those of us who do not have those same characteristics are just chopped liver. Whatever it is that you need to be who you want to be or who you think you are, It's Already In You. Stop looking at other people or waiting for them to make you feel like you are somebody. Look in your own mirror and tell yourself you are somebody. There is no one on this earth that can make you or break you unless you allow them to.

While it may be true that you have to work ten times harder at tasks that may seem mundane or easy to others, you have to believe that you can do it, because It's Already In You. Don't look at your husband/wife/boss/children/friends/or family to complete you, make you significant or matter. You have everything you need Already on the inside. It's Already In You. You just have to find a way to let/get it out.

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