Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Truth


The GOOD BOOK states, "The Truth Will Set You Free." Seeing as that is the case, I am always baffled by the fact that more people don't tell The Truth. It is one thing to be faced with eminent danger, thus a lie is the only way to save a life, but some people just don't tell The Truth no matter what. I mean, a lie is a lie, no matter how big or small. News flash, it is not a crime to tell The Truth. I am always bothered by the fact that so many people avoid telling The Truth. I mean at this point in my life, I refuse to lie. As I always say, "If there is something you really don't want to know the answer to, don't ask me." The kid is going to tell you The Truth.

I know The Truth hurts sometimes, but knowing The Truth can really free you from the bondage of lies. I mean lies are like strings in a spider web. Once you tell one of them, you have to continue to lie, thus you never get back to The Truth. Set yourself free today, and learn to/practice telling The Truth. I know it may be extremely difficult for some of you, but you have to try. I am so perplexed as to why some people lie about everything. I mean, I know you may not always have the answers to some things, or you have a vivid imagination, but you have to work to find your way back to The Truth. There are two types of people, besides rappers, that I believe are a waste of life: Thieves & those who avoid telling The GOD HONEST TRUTH.

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