Saturday, January 29, 2011

Let It Out


Angry people tend to make me depressed. I mean angry people really make me sad. Partly because I tend to believe that mad people just need a huge hug or just a moment to Let It Out. So many people hold so much on the inside. They never take a moment to vent, scream, or just to Let It Out. Thus, they walk around mad at the world ready to punish any and everyone in a 20 mile radius for the things they have been through or are going through. These individuals have yet to find a way to Let It Out.

A lot of you need to take a moment to Let It Out. You have endured hurt, disappointment, suffering, pain, and have been Let down more than you care to share, but now is the time to Let It Out. People, tomorrow absolutely begins today. We can't fix yesterday, but our future truly depends on what we do at this very moment. If you have been holding on to things that have negatively affected you in this life, now is the time to Let It Out and Let It Go.

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