Friday, January 14, 2011

Enough Already


Quit your complaining; stop your whining; and for goodness sakes shut up about yesterday. I am here to tell you that all of us have had Enough Already. All of us have problems, issues, and want more than we have. We are tired of hearing about your hard times all the time. It is annoying and we all are tired of it. Enough is Enough.

There are two types of people in this life. Those who make things happen and those who sit around waiting on things to happen. You are just as capable as all of us. You can do anything you put your mind to, but you choose to sit around and feel sorry for yourself. Enough Already. Your tomorrow has to be different. Your yesterday is over now. Don't let your life be defined by who you were, let it be defined by who you are going to be. By now, you should be sick and tired of being sick and tired. If you are like me and you have had Enough Already, lets do something about it. Not tomorrow, not next week, not a month from now, but RIGHT NOW--TODAY.

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