Tuesday, February 22, 2011



In an extraordinary time in this county and world, things are going haywire. I mean people all over are fighting for the freedoms they believe to be deserved, while we in our little neighborhood, projects, and corners are fighting civil unrest amongst ourselves. No need to worry about the issues in the world at-large because we can't escape the ignorance and senseless violence that is plaguing our community. These days people retaliate in a very different form. While throwing hands, a good fad, or boxing match use to solve most problems when I was young, today, people are taking it way further then one could ever imagine. They are becoming tactical enforcement units like the terminator and instead of sparring and being down after one is proclaimed the victor, today people are grabbing guns. Now, I don't have a problem with guns. It's not guns that killed people, its stupid people with guns that kill people. At the end of the day, its all about the---Bullets.

Bullets Fly, Bullets Rang Out, but inevitably Bullets Kill. No matter what news station you turn on today, you will be engulfed with stories of people either shooting, looting, or killing. What's sad is that oftentimes its innocent people who are being murdered or injured because of unaccounted or errant Bullets. Someone saw the need to pull out a gun and shoot for no real reason, other than the fact that they are a coward and believe that a gun makes them superhuman. I don't know about you, but I am so tired of people dying over dumb 'ish, while people in other countries, who don't have half the freedoms we do, are putting their lives on the line for what they believe, and we eliminating our own existence over nonsense.

The reality is: I can't just blame people, ignorance or Bullets. At the end of the day, violence boils down to lack of education, parenting, programming, and intervention. We all need help. Not just me, not just people of color, but all of us. All of us need to step out of our comfort zone and help enact change. We can't stop individuals from doing whatever they do, but we can work to make sure that Bullets remain on the shelf or in our own personal forms of protection strictly for life and death situations. We living like we Bulletproof--but we aren't!!!

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