Monday, February 21, 2011



Just recently I was reminded of something a great mentor told me. "When you are trying to get a point across, either written or orally, just remember to K.I.S.S. Now, I know some of you are just as perplexed as I was when he first told me. I was like, "K.I.S.S.; is he hitting on me?!" Dumbfounded I stood there in his office with the most puzzled look on my face. And like a flash of lightning, he enlightened me and with these words that changed my life forever. He said, "Yes, I said K.I.S.S.--KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!"

At first, I was offended because I was like, "did he just called me Stupid?" But, then he went on to elaborate. "The easiest and clearest way to get a message from the sender to the receiver is to K.I.S.S. " Again, I was like okay, now I know what that means, but is he still calling me Stupid? He stated, "Most people never get their points across or get a chance to finish a statement because they don't know when to cut out all the extra stuff and just get straight to the point. Oftentimes in this life, you will only get one shot or one moment to say something that matters that could change your life or circumstances forever. If it takes you too long to get it out, then you may regret it for the rest of your life. That is why you should just, K.I.S.S. ---KEEP IT AS SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE AND PRETEND THE RECEIVER OF YOUR MESSAGE IS THE STUPIDEST PERSON YOU KNOW. Break the message all the way down to only the essentials. "

The light bulb went off. Immediately, I got it. Those who know me, know I am very passionate about a lot of things and I can be a very, very, very, long-winded brutha at times. But now-a-days, even more, I am understanding the necessity of K.I.S.S. Your boss, loved ones, or associates may have had the longest day ever. They simply may be exhausted or plain disinterested in anything you are saying at the moment. Don't continue to rape their eardrums by droning on about you. Just K.I.S.S. and Keep It Pushing. You will be surprised how productive K.I.S.S. can be. Dumbing down things is not popular, but it may be the best way to reach your end goal. As long as the person you want to hear you out, listens to you, then you have found success. I don't know about you, but K.I.S.S. has opened up many opportunities for me in this life. And it is/was one K.I.S.S. I didn't/don't have to worry about getting mono from.

~Note to self: K.I.S.S. with everybody and often, unless otherwise notified~

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