Saturday, February 26, 2011

Pride II


While watching the Dukes of Hazzard this morning, Uncle Jesse Duke reminded me of a lesson about this thing we call Pride. As the old saying goes, too much of anything is overkill and Pride isn't any different. What I mean is, too much Pride isn't a good thing at all. It is ok to have Pride, but it is something very different to have so much Pride you let it negatively influence your decisions or change your character for the worse.

Some people sit back and allow their Pride to destroy the wonderful relationships, companionships, and associations they took years to build. Pride can make a fool out of you. Pride can divide a family. Pride can destroy your life. Pride can cause unnecessary hard ache and pain. And worse of all, Pride can cause you to forget the values and beliefs that were instilled in you as a child.

I try to be very conscious of how Prideful I am or may be perceived to be. I have worked hard on my image over time and have come to realize that we all have to constantly check our level of Pride. Pride is good for you, especially if it gives you the courage to do things you wouldn't otherwise do. But Pride can be bad for you, if it keeps you from doing those things, like saying I'm Sorry, when you are in the wrong. Please be reminded to have Pride, but don't let it make, break, or define you.

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