Monday, February 28, 2011



It has gotten to the point today, that I don't even know half of the current slang or jive people are using. In my attempt to have conversations with the least educated and most educated, I often times find myself in both occurrences saying, "What did s/he just say?" Colloquialisms, or slang particular to a certain cultures has gotten way out of hand.

I use to think I was cool because I could keep up with the terminology of the hood, street, and the boardroom. But not anymore. First off, Colloquialisms differ depending on where you are. What may mean one thing in the 'Sip (Mississippi), may mean something totally different in M.I. YaYo I(Miami). One use to be able to listen to your favorite rappers favorite rapper to keep up with the lingo, but I honestly believe these days people are just making up stuff. Some Colloquialisms don't even make sense. People just be making up stuff on the go and if it sounds good to them, they tend to continue using it. People who aren't that bright, co-sign on the new terms, thus causing the originator to use it all the time now.

I don't mind Colloquialisms. But please be reminded that we have to use discretion. There is a time and place for everything. Here are a things that will help you along the way. 1) While you are at work and are dealing with customers, whether you know them or not, Colloquialisms shouldn't be a part of your vocabulary. 2) If you are the only person who knows what your Colloquialism means, please define it for those of us who don't know what the hell you are talking about. 3) Lastly, just because you think a Colloquialisms is cool or hip, that doesn't mean it is. Some people need their own personal lame monitor.

Trust, I want you to have fun. It's what life is all about. Words are exciting and should be used appropriately. Colloquialisms, slang, and jargo are what make language, language. Use them and have fun doing so. Just make sure you are using them at the right time, so we don't see you on the 5 o'clock news embarrassing an entire race of people.

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