Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Say It II


Too many people bite their tongues. I mean, they know they have something to contribute to a conversation, discussion, or a healthy debate, but for some reason they just don't. I don't understand why some people have this fear of retaliation. Perhaps they think what might come out, may come out the wrong way. I am a huge proponent of the ideal, if its on your mind and in your heart, just ---Say It.

I think people are more stressed and depressed then they need to be, because they won't just Say It. They hold so much stuff on the inside that definitely needs to come out. Of course, I believe it's not so much what you Say, but how you Say It that really matters. Some people need to hear that they aren't cute, smart, or perfect. Other people have fed them lies their whole life, but the GOOD BOOK says, "The truth will set you free." Free those people baby! Don't sit on it, ponder about it, just Say It.

There is so much freedom in Saying It. I mean, I am not so concerned about what people think about me, because frankly I only have trouble sleeping at night due to insomnia and not because of people who could truly care less about my welfare or yours. If people think they can Say whatever they want or do whatever they want to you and you aren't going to do anything about it, they will. From this day forward, take back your life and stop letting people run over you, physically and verbally. This is your life, that is your mouth; if you feel the need to express how you feel or just plain let someone know what's bothering you, don't hold it back any further, take a deep breath, open up those lips, subtract the attitude, and just ---Say It.

~Trust if feels so good!~

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