Thursday, February 17, 2011

Let Go


So, I am going to take this time to talk to each of you on a very personal note right now. There is something that I want you all to know. All of us need to learn when to Let Go. There is one thing to hold on to things that need to be held, but there is another thing to hold on to things because you are afraid to Let Go.

Personally, I am no longer in the business of keeping people who don't want to be kept. I use to try to be Capt'n Save Em to everybody I encountered. But recently, I have to begun to take my own advice: "Trying to be everything to everybody, will lead to you being nothing to anybody. " Thus, I am now going to begin the process of Letting Go of not only people, but my past as well.

Today marks the beginning of our future. If we Let Go of what has held us in place or has weighed us down, we can ultimately move quicker towards what has been prepared before us. Learning to Let Go isn't easy, but it's necessary. Sometimes I feel guilty when I think about Letting things and people Go. More so, because if something happens to it/them, I tend to feel personally responsible. But it's not my/your fault. People have choices in life, unlike things. Sometimes the best thing we can do for them is Let Go of them. Even though we love them, we still may be holding them back. Let Go today; its important. It signifies the beginning of our cleaning & healing process. Open up your heart and your mind and begin to Let Go, at this very moment. ---Don't you feel better already?

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