Thursday, February 24, 2011



I am going to do something a little different then usual. Each day I push all of you, but today I am going to push myself to do something different, open up. You all will be the first beneficiaries of this. Lets see how this goes.

As all of you know who follow WoodWorkz, part of my assignment as the Admiral of this ship is to give you daily nuggets/tidbits to help you navigate successfully through the numerous challenges you may or may not face in this life. But most recently, when I asked someone did they follow my writings on here, they said to me, "No. It's Just Words." For a moment I didn't know whether to be offended or not. I was hurt and discouraged. I was also embarrassed because for the first time in a long time I ran out of Words. I had no idea how to respond to a comment like that. I wanted to get real Colored/Ethic and give that person a piece of my mind, but then I realized that perhaps what I do so passionately is just Words. Or is it?

I write, and I write, and I write faithfully, with the hope that someone somewhere would feel a bit of inspiration, motivation, and/or encouragement. Unfortunately, I am miles away from most of you who frequent WoodWorkz, so these Words are all I have to offer you at the moment. But let me tell you a secret. These may just seem like Words to some of you, but this is not a hobby for me. I truly believe in every character, subject, verb, predicate, punctuation, sentence, and paragraph I type. I never want any of you to need a verbal pat on the back to help you through the day and not be available to give it to you.

So I say to you ma'am and whoever else that believes my writings are just Words, you are absolutely right. And we are just people, but it's the actions and decisions we make everyday that give us life. If one person makes one minor change for the positive in their life because of these Words, then I have done my part/filled my assignment. Perhaps these Words aren't for you or everybody. I am finally okay with that. Thus, I will continue to write these Words until you all inform me collectively that my services are no longer needed.

~Tha' Word--Smith

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