Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I Got This


So I've learned lately that everybody is a critic. No matter where you go, someone has something to say about everything you do. They share their thoughts, opinions, non-facts and/or lies whether we ask them for it or not. But listen up buddy, if you don't have anything positive to say, don's say anything at all. Trust, I Got This.

Everything we do in this life we will be held accountable for. Rather it be very small or extremely gargantuan, all of us will have to answer for our acts, behaviors and actions over our lifetime. I do understand that we all need people to keep us on track, but some of you just take it to the max. Every move we make you feel it is your sworn duty to tell us how it should or should've been done. Look bruh, I Got This. If I am going to be held accountable for something, I want to do it the best way I see fit. Yes, I value the suggestions of others, but I am going to do it my way like Usher. I Got This. Let me do me and you concentrate on doing you.

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