Saturday, June 18, 2011

Inconsistent People


If you are one of the aforementioned people----please take offense. There are different types of people in this world. Some are smart, funny, loyal, and/or dependable. But, some other people just don't have a quality that matters in their poor little souls. I think there are various qualities that all people must have. I am sure you may not agree, so feel free to disagree. In my mind, an individual must be honest, responsible and be a person of strong moral character and fiber, just to name a few. But to accompany that, they must also be Consistent. One of the worse types of people in the world besides the obvious: murders, thieves and criminals, are Inconsistent People.

Inconsistent People make me want to strongly encourage them to play in traffic. I am most annoyed by these type of people. Inconsistent People can never be counted on at all. They are like always and unpleasant surprise; you never know what you are going to get, but you can guarantee you won't like it. Its like each of them have a touch of amnesia or something. Because they never remember what they said they would do, how they did it last time, and why they didn't do what was asked of them. Repetition and doing what you said you would do is not that difficult people. But to Inconsistent People it's the challenge of a life-time. I will never understand Inconsistent People. If you said you were going to do something like this or that; do it! If you said you would be the person responsible for this or that; be that person! Why is it that you feel you can do whatever you feel like doing? Don't you know that negatively affects others? Perhaps you just don't care.

I am officially removing all Inconsistent People out of my life starting today. If you always called, but now you up and stopped; number deleted. If you use to write, but you don't send letters, text or e-mails more; lose my address and contacts. If you are here today for me, but not there tomorrow; you don't have to worry about me, cause we are no longer cool. Go disappoint someone else. You will not set me up for failure or heart ache buddy. I am done with Inconsistent People and you should be done to. Life is too short to continue to be let down by dishonest & half-a$$ friends or lovers. You were fine before you met them and whether you believe it or not, you will be much better without them. Inconsistent People, you have officially been put on notice; don't say we didn't warn you. Find some Consistency about yourself or KICK ROCKS/LEAVE US ALL ALONE!!!

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