Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tomorrow People


The greatest part about Today is that I made it to see another one. Tomorrow on the other hand is not promised nor is it guaranteed to make it here. Thus, I want all of you Tomorrow People, to start doing things Today. There is nothing worse then procrastinating or waiting to do something Tomorrow, when you had ample time to accomplish it Today. Tomorrow People always have a reason/excuse as to why they can't do something Today. As if they are all-of-a-sudden going to get a burst of energy to do it Tomorrow. Tomorrow People know good-and-well Today, that they aren't going to be any more excited about doing anything Tomorrow then they are Today.

So, I speak right now to you Tomorrow People; Stop faking the funk. You know that if your lazy butt doesn't do it Today, it simple want get done. I encourage all you Tomorrow People, to join the Today Crowd. The sooner you get it done, the better. Then, you can really make big plans for your Tomorrow, People, because you got all the necessities done---Today.

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