Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Big Chillin'

I have figured out that everything and anything in this life can get the best of you if you let it. People can stress you, depress you or drive you bonkers if you let them. Situations can do the same too. I decided a long time ago that I wasn't going to to let anything or anyone kill me, if I could help it. Thus, I developed an antidote to all situations and people that could negatively affect me, I call it Big Chillin'. Sounds funny huh? Don't worry I will explain.

I know you all have heard the adage, "don't sweat the small stuff." Well Big Chillin' is very similar, but takes it to the max. Big Chillin' is psychologically not sweating anything at all. The warmer you keep your heart and mind, the cooler you will be. I, just like others of you, use to be a hot head. Both small and large things use to set me off like a bomb. But those days are a part of my past. These days Big Chillin' has become a staple in my life. Big Chillin' is who I am, and how I live daily. Big Chillin' is how I take on every situation and how I deal with all things and all people. I Big Chill every day and all day. If you are overworked, stressed, distressed and you can't seem to catch a break, feel free to join me. There is enough Big Chillin' to go around for all of us. I'm telling you, "once you totally embrace Big Chilln' it will change your life forever!" 

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