Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Women Lie, Men Lie

Let me ask you all a question: Is it too much to expect people to tell you the Truth and nothing but the Truth? I guess it's true that everyone Lies, but some people reside so far away from the truth. I am surprised how many people find it okay to Lie just to for the sake of Lying. I mean I know we all, especially parents, Lie. We Lie to our little ones during CHRISTmas time, Tooth Fairy conversations and the like. But, some people find it appropriate to Lie every time they open their mouth. It's not that I am saying Lying is the worst possible act on earth. But some people's Lies destroys families, lives and hurt others way more than their Truths ever could. 

Some say that little white Lies are necessary and innocent. Others say a Lie is a Lie. While I understand both sides of the debate, I am leaning more towards the Lie is a Lie side.  I write to caution you all to be cognizant of your words. A Lie will trap you, but as the GOOD BOOK says, "The Truth Will Set You Free." Free yourself from the web of untruths/Lies that while ultimately weight you down, break you down, and/or destroy you. I mean yes, everyone does it; Women Lie, Men Lie. But if you do Lie, make sure it is to save a Life. that I think about it, some of you Lie to your husband/wife/significant other(s) because if they really knew where you were last night, they probably would kill you. I guess that is one of the main reasons why---Women Lie, Men Lie.

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