Sunday, September 25, 2011

Jokes Aren't Always Funny

I am a very sarcastic person. I crack a lot of Jokes and I am very silly. But I know what it feels like to be on the object of a comical situation. Thus, I am always cognizant of other people's feelings when I am making a Funny. I usually only Joke about situations or scenarios in which I can add my own flavor to make it comical. I aim to make my Jokes as impersonal as possible. I always avoid directly Joking on people because I know from personal experience, Jokes Aren't Always Funny. Especially, when you are the one being laughed at, and you Aren't laughing, nor did you find anything Funny about what was said.  It's like being on the outside of an inside situation. 

Jokes lead to laughter, which is great for the heart and it makes us all feel better. But we have to know our audience and makes sure that our attempts to ease the lives of others by giving them something to giggle, smile or l.o.l. about is not offensive or degrading. Jokes are a good way to break the ice, ease tension and help people forget about all the negative things that are going on at home. However, it is imperative to know that Jokes, while not meant to offend or insult, Aren't Always Funny. So, sometimes its best we laugh internally and keep our Jokes to ourselves.

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