Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Reading Is FUN-damental

I know all through school you are told/taught how important it is to Read. Reading is essential to almost everything you do in this life. The act of Reading not only helps you become a more learned individual, but it makes you more knowledgeable regarding various topics and it expands your vocabulary. There are a number a myths locally and abroad that minorities don't like to Read. While that may be some one's truth, it definitely isn't the whole truth. However, the fact that myths of this nature exists, we all as parents, mentors, family members or friends have to re-double our efforts to make sure the kids around us and the adults too, understand the importance of Reading

If one can't Read, then one will most certainly live a life less than they deserve. I understand older folks and generations prior may not have had the opportunity to learn to Read, but there is no reason today we have college students, more specifically athletes, who Read on a middle school level. We even have high school students who Read on an elementary school level. It just doesn't make sense! And this inability to do one of the basic functions in life, Read, is very problematic and eventually it will catch up with you. I encourage all of your to Read as much as you can. Encourage others around you to Read as well. Reading develops all kids of skills and most importantly it helps with your writing and speaking abilities. Yes, a number of things in this life are indeed FUN-damental, but nothing is more FUN-damental than Reading. Just make sure you find things you are most interested it: cars, sports music and/or wo/men. Read that! Trust, Reading can be so much FUN.

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