Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Rough Truth

I am not too big to apologize if I deem necessary. I am also not too big to say that I am wrong or incorrect. But, I am stubborn to a fault. When I set my mind on something or think a certain way about something, it is very hard to change my thought process. I was recently advised by one of my clients that I should stop blogging and join Twitter. The person said, "Blogging is so two decades. If you Tweeted some of these phenomenal things you talk about, you would have thousands of followers and trending topics; you would be famous!" I totally missed the compliment because I was immediately agitated. You all know that the kid is disgusted by Twitter and some of the things it stands for. But, I took a moment to research and reflect on some of the positive aspects of both Blogging and Twitter. I suddenly had an "Ah ha" moment. 

Twitter isn't all bad (I can't believe I just typed that), and that's The Rough Truth. But I still don't believe it's for me. The Rough Truth is, I was prematurely turned off by the way I saw people I know and celebrities abuse Twitter. But after watching the coupes around the world and how Twitter and Twit picking has exposed the egregious acts of violence and atrocities, The Rough Truth is, Twitter has both positive and negative aspects, as with any other social media. I don't blog for the masses, so I am not inclined to Tweet for the masses. While I would like a larger audience, I believe that its not the Quantity of people who follow WoodWorkz, it's about the Quality of them. I am very appreciative of the suggestion that I would be able to impact more lives by managing my own Twitter, but I am still not convinced this is the appropriate day-to-day path I would like to take to changing the world. I'll leave the Tweeting to our Captain, Wood. However, The Rough Truth is, as it relates to Twitter, I have considered it, and I will continue to seriously consider it. I will keep you all posted. 

1 Response to The Rough Truth

September 19, 2011 at 1:04 AM

There are so many avenues of social media that it can become over whelming. Each one serves a purpose. I think you should be comfortable with what you do, and know that your genuine audience is being reached. Just don't neglect those that are missing your words of wisdom.

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