Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happyness Is A Privilege


Okie dokie! Now this is my type of party (dances back and forth in his office chair). I am, for once in a long time, Happy on today. For a several of reasons. First and foremost, at 4a this morning I became one of the true pioneers of the cell phone industry. Okay, that is a bit exaggerated, but I did order my I-Phone 4 from Verizon. Let the enjoyment begin. Look out ATT, the massive switch/exodus to the World's greatest cell phone provider (Verizon) shall now begin.

Additionally, I am Happy because I am glad that the MAN upstairs saw fit to breath the breathe of life into my flesh this morning. Now, I don't know if you all do it, but many people take life for granted. As I was watching CNN last night regarding the violence and chaos in Egypt, I was reminded that we as Americans take so many freedoms we have for granted. I am Happy that we can worship, pray, eat, live, love, and procreate as we deem necessary. While I know America has done a disservice to a number of people, more specifically people of color, we are all still allowed to do more things in our society then a number of other societies. And for that I am Happy.

Happyness people Is A Privilege. Happy is something that I am not very often, thus when I get the opportunity to share it, I do. I want each of you to take a moment to share in my moment of personal Happy Privilege and think about all those things that you have in your life that make you Happy. When it seems like nothing is going right on any given day or in your life, those same thoughts are what you are going to use to keep a smile on your face as you remind yourself that the Privilege to be Happy is on your own terms and conditions in your life and it is all yours and based solely on you. Don't let anyone steal your Happy!

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