Friday, June 3, 2011

Look Around You


Look Around You at this very moment. What do you see? I am sure some of you see your loved ones, while others may see a room full of material possessions. No matter what you see when you Look Around You, everything has some sort of value. Your family may be the only thing in the room when you Look Around You, but that is truly priceless. I would rather have a room chalked full of people who love, care, and adore me than be in a room of things that couldn't show me appreciation if their existence depended on it.

I ask again, Look Around You. What do you see? How do the things directly in your vicinity make you feel? Does the things Around You make you feel proud, accomplished, smart, rich or strong when you Look Around You? Do you feel like you have done well for yourself? Look Around You. If what you see right now was a snap shot of the life you life, would you proudly share it with the world or other people? If not, then you need to change your situation. Those things you see when you Look Around You may be the last things you ever see. So be careful what & who you keep Around You. Keep Looking Around You. The more you notice, the more you will see where you are versus where you could be. If you don't like what you see, then you know we won't. So it seems like its time for a change in your surroundings. Who knows? Look Around You, Look Around, Look....

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