Friday, August 19, 2011

Flash-Mob Thugs

I know some of you have heard of Bone Thugs, Thug Life or Thugs in general, but have your heard of the latest group of kids known as Flash-Mob Thugs. This is what the media and the mayor of Philadelphia calls these young kids who assemble in various places to participate in an act that is called Flash-Mobbing. Now, in case you have never heard of the term, Flash-Mobbing, let me try to explain it to you. Flash-Mobs originally were peaceful gathering where a ton of people show up to dance, participate in some fun activity or break some world record. But, today, thanks to Flash-Mob Thugs, these gathering are violent and dangerous to all. Flash-Mobbing in these latest incidents are when a group of kids alert each other via text, Twitter or some other outlet to meet at a particular place at the same time. I don't mean like a few kids getting together to hang out. I am talking about 50-100 kids assembling at one place at the same time. And what do they do when they get there you may ask? They beat up random people on the street or bombard local stores and steal chips, soda, candy and/or anything that isn't nailed down. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, these are your Flash-Mob Thugs.

The youngest kid involved to have been arrested was like 11 years old. This is a sad because these kids are so young and they are throwing their lives away. The most notable place for the Flash-Mob movement currently is Philadelphia. But trust it is coming to a city and town near you very soon. The mayor of Philly was on CNN last night to discuss the fact that there are programs for the kids to get involved in other than the Flash-Mob movement. His talk was slated to appeal to the parents of these mis-guided kids. He said ever so eloquently, "We will help you raise you kids, but we will not raise them for you."

I am not sure who to blame for these Flash-Mob activities. At first glance, you want to blame the parents. But some of these kids don't have parents. They have guardians, and grandma is doing all she can to rear them right, but she is resting when they sneak out. One may then choose to blame the city for lack of programs and activities. But you can put on as many parties and events as you like, if the kids choose not to participate, it's a doesn't solve a thing. Perhaps, we can blame the schools and teachers. The Churches and the community leaders are out there for possible blame too. Maybe we can blame the government, for not doing enough to provide jobs for the parents of these kids. Or we can point to the finger at Rap Music or the ignorant culture of Rap in itself. I am not so sure who or what is the blame, but what I do know is this is going to go south real soon. Eventually, somebody or somebodies are going to get really hurt and then it will be to late to save these kids. All I can say at this moment is we have to wait and see how this ends. It is my hopes that these Flash-Mob Thugs are going through a phase and in a few days/weeks this whole Flash-Mobbing mentality will go away; before they start shooting and killing these babies...Yes, babies...these are babies trying to be as my G-Ma would say it, "Too Grown For Their Own Good."

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