Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Settling---For What?!

By no means is it acceptable for you to Settle. If people can't respect you as you feel you should be respected or love you as you feel you should be loved, then they don't deserve the sweat off your forehead. No one should Settle. When you forsake your own happiness for another person you are Settling. I think some people are so conditioned to being with someone that they feel it is the end of the world to be alone. But some people who have a so-called significant other that they have Settled for, end up spending more time alone, then those who chose to be single and date. Settling isn't cool, nor will it help you find the joy, happiness and love you deserve.

Settling will only give you a taste of something when you deserve the whole thing. Settling will only give you a temporary rush, when you deserve a constant high. Settling will only give you a little bit, when you deserve so much more. Unfortunately, people Settle in all walks of life. They Settle at home, work and with the many relationships that have. Today, I encourage you to examine your situations and the circumstances in your life. Are you Settling? If you are unsure, ask yourself, "are you getting everything you feel you deserve daily." If not, then you are indeed Settling. I am not suggesting you will have everything you want, but you should at least have those things you need. Settling is so unnecessary. Live life on your own terms. If you want to give someone a little more than they deserve or put up with some things that you don't necessarily want to, make sure it's only because you want to, not because you have to. If you are giving others and other things the best of you, what are you getting in return? Keep Settling and you will see the answer will ultimately be a million pounds of disappointment and a zillion tons nothing.

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