Wednesday, August 10, 2011

These Things Must Stop

Call a rant if you will. But there are certain things that are going on that have to Stop. I don't get how we all sit around and allow theses things to go on around us and we don't do anything about it. I am sick of it! So from now on, I am going to speak up and start calling people/things out. I will share a few things with you now and more over the course over time. These Things Must Stop and/or come to an end immediately. I hope you concur, but if not, I could care less. Your probably part of the problem.

These Things Must Stop:

1) Photographers: please stop putting backdrops of President Obama up in the club. This man is a national figure, not a hood-figure. Find someone else to let drunk, ignorant, and unfashionable people take pictures in front of. This is just ridiculous.

2) Rap and Rappers are wack! Just because you can rhyme, doesn't make you talented. Some of you all are so gullible. The dude is saying all woman are hoes and b%tches and your ignorant a$$ rapping right along with him. Yes, the ninja is talking about you, your momma, your sister and every other female you know. But you love it don't you?!

3) Fellas: Everybody can't be a pimp. Stop being little boys running from commitment because you got hurt in high school. Real pimps aren't driven by vagina, they driven by money. At least their hoes, got a career. Y'all so-called pimping 15/16 year olds. That's statutory raping, not pimping.

4) People, we all can't live like people on t.v. No matter what you do, you won't ever be as small as Jennifer Hudson, as good looking as LL or as rich as Puffy. Let it go! Do you. Why is everyone so afraid of being themselves or independent? If those individuals were you, they wouldn't be them. So stop trying to live their lives.

5) Ladies: Look around you. Some of you are so caught up in your own selfish life that you are not doing a thing to keep your little cousins, daughters or the other neighborhood girls from making the same mistakes you did. Teenage pregnancy is getting worse, and until you women decide to do something thing about it, these young innocent girls, are going to keep seeking love between their legs. And sadly enough, your boyfriend, husband, uncle or cut-friend is going to keep giving them the temporary satisfaction these little girls think they need.

6) We all need to stop talking about other people and start encouraging/helping them. It makes no sense for you to be doing well, but your so-called friend/loved ones don't have a pot to pee in or a window to throw it out of. We are so fricking selfish these days. People died so we can have these freedoms we have today and most of us don't do a da*mn thing for anyone else, but ourselves. Keep pleasuring yourself, you will end up by yourself in the end.

7) Stop talking so much and do something. All you do is talk about this and talk about that. Why don't you do something to change it? If you hate your job, quit. If you girl/boyfriend sucks, break up with them. If you don't like the way you are living, move. Stop talking about making a change and just make the change. Don't talk about it, be about it. We don't want to hear you keep lying to us about things you aren't going to do in this lifetime. Please make us all wrong and do something unexpected soon.

I could keep going, but I want to spread these out. The sad thing about it is most people don't think anything is wrong with the aforementioned. But, they are very wrong. You may not agree with what I just wrote, but there is some truth in every situation. We need to take back our world, or the world will keep taking from us. Life is too short. Either you can live this life alive, or you can live it dead. I choose Life.

1 Response to These Things Must Stop

August 15, 2011 at 10:19 PM

Wow! You touched on a lot of topics, but I'll only comment on one. Teen pregnancy. It starts at home. The mothers are so busy trying to be their daughter's friend, that they don't instill the discipline. The young girls are looking at their "friend" thinking its ok because mama did it & she seems to have everything together. The cycle needs to be broken. Women need to realize their worth is more than what's between their legs.

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